Friday, March 11, 2011

Tropical Africa: Food Production and the Inquiry Model

Hunger is the result of disasters such as drought, floods, the changing of the jet stream patterns and other natural disasters They are beyond our control

It has been estimated that one third of the land in Tropical
Africa is potentially cultivable, though only about 6% of it is
,currently cultivated.  However, to change farming from a low-input
low-yield pattern to a high-input, high-yield pattern necessitates
the use of more fertilizer and the planting of high-yielding varieties of crops

There are a number of environmental factors, related mostly to
.climate, soils and health, resisting easy developmental solutions
.Rainfall reliability is closely connected to rainfall quantity
The rainfall in the equatorial heart is very plentiful and
reliable.  However, there is much less rainfall towards the outer
edges of the rain belt.  Periodic and unpredictable droughts are a characteristic feature of these border zones.

There are three climatic zones in Tropical Africa
1.a region of persistent rain at and near the Equator
2.a region on each side of this of summer rain and winter
drought, and
3.a region at the northern and southern edges afflicted by drought

All the climates listed in the previous paragraph are modified
in the eastern parts of Tropical Africa by the mountains and

The soils of Tropical Africa pose another problem.  They are
unlike the soils of temperate areas.  Soils are largely products of
their climates, and tropical soils are different from temperate
soils because the climate is different.  Because of the great heat
,of the tropics tends to bake the soils, while on the other hand
the rainfall leaches them.  The combined heat and moisture tend to
produce very deep soils because the surface rock is rapidly broken
down by chemical weathering.  All this causes the food's rate of
growth to slow down or maybe even stop and as a result food
production won't even come close in catching up to the rate of
.population increase; therefore starvation and hunger is present
In the process of a flood and drought, the roots of trees are
shallow and virtually no nutrients are obtained from the soil.  The
vegetation survives on its own humus waste, which is plentiful.  If
the vegetation is cleared, then the source of humus is removed and
the natural infertility of the soils becomes obvious.  As being
another factor, this will cause the soil to produce wasteful and
.useless products which in turn will decrease the production

To conclude this essay, the climates in Tropical Africa take
a big role as being factors that could endanger or destroy the
process of plantation.  On the other hand, it could also bring good
.fortune if climatic regions are fairly good

An Essay on Mozambique

The country I have picked for my project is Mozambique in south Africa, and is

located near Zimbabwe, Namibia,

  Its climate in January consists of a rainy season. The rains last for about 190 days in

the north but only 120 days in the south.  In the cool season may to august temperatures

range from 16 deg c to 27 deg c (that is 60 dea to 80 dea F). In the hot season august to

November temperatures range 28 deg c to 32 deg c (85 deg f to 90 deg f ).
  The country has a wealth of mineral resources , especially copper ,lead, zinc , and coal .

Copper accounts for more than 80% of this countries export earnings. The copperbelt

where four large copper mines and several smaller mines are located is where most

mining takes place it lies north of lusaka along the Zairian border . The many rivers near

the mines have valuable potential for hydroelectric power.

  Its population is mostly black Africans who speak BANTU. The national language is

english. Most people are Christians, traditional local baliefs still have a strong hold on

village people. Also witchcraft and old customs such as marrying several wives and

paying the parents for a bride are slowly dying out in the towns. most children attend

elementary school. but only a fifth of them go to high school. It only has one university

which was founded in 1965.

   Corn is the main food .Also a favorite dish is nshima, a thick porridge made from corn.


Facts about the country 


Population : 8.745,284 m density: 12 persons per sq km.

Distribution: 43% urban , 57% rural.

Official language: English

Major religions: traditional, roman, Catholicism, and protestian.


Literacy: 81% of adult population.

Universities: 1

Life expectancy: women-59  men-55.



Government leader: Fredrick Chiluba.

Legislature: National Assembly.

Political subdivisions: nine provinces.


Railroads: 2164 kms total

Roads: 37359 kms total

Major airports: 1 


Australia is the world's smallest continent and sixth-largest country.  With proportionately more desert land than any other continent, Australia has a low population density.  Lying completely in the Southern Hemisphere, Australia is bounded by the Indian Ocean on the west and south and by the Pacific Ocean on the east.  These oceans merge on the north in the Arafura Sea between Australia and Indonesia and New Guinea, and on the south in the Bass Strait.  The coastline length, estimated at 19,200 km (12,000 mi), is remarkably short for so large an area, a result of the relative lack of indentation.  Major inlets other than the Gulf of CARPENTARIA and the GREAT AUSTRALIAN BIGHT are few.

A self-governing member of the Commonwealth of Nations, Australia celebrated its bicentennial in 1988z. It is a federation of five mainland states (NEW SOUTH WALES, QUEENSLAND, SOUTH AUSTRALIA, VICTORIA, WESTERN AUSTRALIA) and one island state (TASMANIA), as well as two territories (AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY, NORTHERN TERRITORY). The country's name derives from the Latin terra australis incognita, meaning "unknown southern land," which resulted from a confusion between Australia and Antarctica on early world maps.

In many ways Australia is unusual among continents. It lacks major relief features and has a high proportion of dry land. The continent's isolation from other landmasses accounts for its unique varieties of vegetation and animal life, and for the existence of a Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) culture among the Aborigines. Except for Antarctica, Australia was probably the last continent to be inhabited by humans and the last to be explored and settled by Europeans. It is the only continent comprising a single nation-state.

Dutch explorers first sighted Australia in the early 17th century. Capt. James COOK explored the east coast in 1770 and claimed the land for Great Britain. In 1778 the first settlement (SYDNEY) was founded at an excellent harbor on the southeast coast. British convicts played an important role in the territory's early history. The discovery of gold and other ores attracted immigrants, but Australia remained a primarily agricultural country until World War II.

Subsequent industrialization has been rapid, and today Australia ranks as one of the world's most economically developed countries, although vast areas of the interior, known as the Outback, remain all but uninhabited.

Most Australians are governed by three levels of government - local, state and federal. For instance,
a family living in Sydney would have the Sydney City Council (local) looking after such things as
garbage collection, park maintenance and dog controls. Australians pay their local government by
paying "rates" - paid according to the area and position of any land that you own. They would then
be governed by the New South Wales Government, which would look after such things as roads,
and the police force. Finally, they are governed by the Australian (Federal) Government, which is
involved with trade, foreign affairs and the national treasury. Both the State and Federal
Governments are paid through income tax.

Australian governments at a State and Federal level are run according to the Westminster System,
used in England. This means that there are two houses of Parliament, a lower house (The House Of
Representatives) and an upper house (The Senate). Decisions put forward and approved in the
House of Representatives must then be approved a second time by the Senate. The only exception
to this is the Queensland Government, which has only a House of Representatives.

Local governments are stationed in centre of the town or city that they provide to. State
governments are run from the state capitals, while the Federal Government sits in Canberra, in the
Australian Capital Territory.

There are six states, and two major territories in Australia. The states are: Queensland, New South
Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia. The two territories are the
Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory. Australia also has a number of areas run by
the Federal Government (dependent areas). These include the Ashmore and Cartier Islands,
Christmas Island, the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, the Coral Sea Islands, Heard Island, the McDonald
Islands and Norfolk Island.

Britain originally ruled Australia as a penal colony after it was discovery in 1788. However, on
January 1st, 1901, Australia's six states were unified ("federated") into one nation, formally known
(and still known) as the Commonwealth Of Australia. Australia was originally governed from
Melbourne, however in 1907 the Federal Parliament moved to Canberra, where it has been ever

The biggest political debate at the moment in Australia is whether or not Australia should become a
republic. This means that Australia would be (in official terms) completely separated from its mother
country, England, and would have an Australian Head Of State. This change to a republic could
occur as early as the year 2001, exactly one hundred years after Federation.

A trip to China

I went to China at 4th April, with my grandma and grandpa. That day, we got up at 7 o*clock in the morning. We went on the ship at 9:40am. When we reached China, we saw our relation, they saw us and helped us to carry the luggage. They are very kind to us.

      After about 1 hour, traveled by car, we reached home, it was about 1 o*clock, we were very hungry, they*ve already cooked the lunch for us. After lunch, we walked around in the village . When we back home, we chatted until dinner was ready. There was on toilet there, so my grandpa and me cannot eat more and more although all things were very good.

      After a terrible night, we went to another village. We went in the bus about 3 hours, after we reached there, it was about 4:30pm. I don*t think we could walked around the village again. The house that we lived was designed by my grandpa, we lived happily (very happy) there. -We had water, Town gas, light, TV * * Oh, great!

      We went back to Hong Kong at 8th. After a the tea break at the pipe, we got onto the ship at 4:00pm. I thought I was too full, I was seasick! We reached home at exactly 6 o*clock. My mom was already cooked the dinner for us. After we enjoyed the dinner, I went back home. At home , I had a hot bath that it was one of the best enjoys in my life.

A trip through panama

Day 1:

      We arrived at Omar Torrijos airport via American Airlines early in the afternoon. We purchased our required tourist cards (3 balboas, as US dollars are called in Panama) at the airport, then caught a taxi for the 18 mile ride to our downtown hotel.  The ride in the battered, un-airconditioned car was rather expensive (30 balboas), but the driver spoke English and was very friendly.  We arrived at the hotel and checked in.  While my dad was checking in I bought a guidebook in the hotel lobby and read up on the history of Panama City.  The original city was founded in 1519 by Pedro Arias Davila, known as Pedrarias the Cruel, because of his eradication of all but three of the local Indian tribes during his tenure in Panama.  Davila used the city as a place to store Incan gold  before it was shipped to Spain.  The original city was sacked and burned in 1671 by a group of buccaneers led by Henry Morgan.  The city was rebuilt within a year,  this time on a peninsula 18 miles away and surrounded by a strong wall.  This old Spanish city is now the in the middle downtown Panama City.  
      Panama City is an international melting pot and its eating choices range from American fast food to excellent internationall cuisine.  Eager to begin our sightseeing, we grabbed lunch at a nearby McDonald's after checking in then caught a bus.  The buses in Panama are a tourist attraction in themselves.  They are brightly painted, hung with fringe, and have constantly  blaring Salsa and Caracas music playing.  They are cheap (50 cents a ride). but are very crowded.  After asking several drivers "Donde va este autobus?" we finally found one going to the Plaza Independencia.  This plaza is the main square of the colonial town and is bordered on one side by a cathedral with twin mother of pearl towers that took 108 years to complete.  On two other sides it is bordered by the Archbishop's Palace, now a university and the Central Post Office.  While in the old part of Panama City we also visited the Iglesia de San Jose and saw the Golden Aaltar.  This altar was in the original Panama City and was saved from Henry Morgan's pirates by a monk who painted it black to disguise it.  When we finished touring we returned to our hotel and then ate dinner at El Pez de Ora, one of the city' famous seafood restaurants.

Day 2:
      We woke early and headed out for a morning of shopping at the Mercado Publico.  I bought some jewelry and some small wooden figurines as souvenirs, but when I asked "Donde esta los sombreros de Panama?", the vendor told me Panama hats were made in Ecuador.  The hat most commonly worn in  Panama is the "pita", a narrow brimmed straw hat with black and white stripes.  The most important phrases to remember when shopping in Panama are " Cuanto cuesta esta?" and " Acceptas tarjetas de credita?"  After shopping we had Chinese food in one of the local restaurants. 
      After eating we went to visit Panama's most famous attraction, the Panama Canal.  The Canal was completed in 1914, and is considered one of the greatest engineering feats in the world.  We took a shuttle from our hotel to the canal and then went on a 90 minute train ride all the way across the isthmus along the canal.  The railroad we were traveling on was built in 1855 to transport '49ers who were on their way to the California gold rush and was the first "trans-continental" rail link.  At one of the train stations we got off and walked to the Miraflores Locks, sat on bleachers, and watched the ships go through the canal.  After our tour of the Panama Canal we returned to our hotel to get ready for a night of dinner and theater.  We ate dinner at an Italian restaurant then went to the Teatro National for a performance of the Folkloric Ballet.  The Folkloric Ballet features native folk dances and costumes and was very entertaining.

Day 3:
      We rented a car and left Panama City headed southwest along the Pan American Highway.  First we visited the Parque Natural Metropolitana, a zoo on the outskirts of Panama with monkeys, deer, sloths, and iguanas.  We then drove toward El Valle, about 75 miles away.  El Valle is located in the center of a dormant volcano.  There we saw hot springs, botanical gardens (with square trees which scientists have been unable to explain!), and golden frogs found nowhere else on earth.  We continued down the highway passing through the towns of Penonome, the geographic center of Panama, and Nata, on of the oldest towns in Latin America.  The Interior of Panama is mostly farmland and grazing land for cattle.  We even saw some cowboys!  At night we arrived at Baquette, a village on the side of the dormant Baru Volcano, where we spent the night.

      Day 4:
      We began our day by visiting Volcan Baru National Park and taking a short hike to see the beautiful plants and birds.  The volcano is the highest point in Panama at 3475 meters.  After our hike we ate lunch and then drove to Chiriqui Grande where we dropped off our car.  We then caught a ferry to Bocas del Toro where we visited Bastimentos National Park. The park has pristine white sand beaches where sea turtles nest.  The coral reefs off the coast are home to more than 200 species of tropical fish.  While there we also got to visit caves containing the largest population of fruit eating bats in the world!  Later we went snorkeling of the coast of Almirante Island where we spent the night.